women + art (again)

Aug 16, 2006 | Entrepreneurship, Life in Progress, My Creative Practice

i’ve been thinking about women, their art, how they get their businesses up & running, and their personal journey along the way. how did they start? do they have any tricks? what were their hurdles, struggles, joys? how do they manage their finances, books, data? how have their endeavors changed their life, their relationships, with others, and within? and do they have any concrete tools or suggestions? and most importantly, do they have a spirit of encouragement when it comes to artists who are just beginning, and do they make themselves available to them? is that important? really, i just want to know their stories. the honest truth.

there’s no doubt that i’m in the midst of that very journey right now. all the research. all the learning (macintosh, scanners, printers, marketing, photoshop, taxes, shipping options, to name a few). not to mention all of the searching, inward, and outward. i find myself looking for resources, communities, even blogs out there that specifically focus on women, their art, and the story of how they came to be. i want honest, daring, truthful stories.

i find it frustrating that for those women who are now successful, that some of them aren’t very generous with what they’ve learned. what is that about? i’ve been lucky to have laini, alena, and DJ as huge supports to me. they are all wonderfully successful artists who have encouraged, inspired, and have challenged me to do it. to make my dreams actually happen. that yes, i can do it, and that i should do it! i’ve asked them all a million questions, and they have all been incredibly generous with what has worked for them, and what hasn’t.

no matter where i am in my journey, i want to be that person who encourages, supports, is available, but most importantly, to be honest about the process. i know what it feels like now to have a million questions, a huge learning curve, and to be seeking information non-stop. and i also know how the ups & downs of transforming one’s life can feel. it’s exhilarating. it’s scary. it’s passionate. it’s happiness. it’s internal questions and examination. the questions come in and out, day to day. sometimes i think to myself, “who do you think you are?” “what the hell are you thinking?” “do you really think you can make a life as an artist?” “ha!”

it’s all about the journey. i’m loving it. in the spirit of being helpful, i’ve added some resources to my sidebar for the inner entrepreneur in you. these are all sites i’ve either stumbled upon or learned about from other people. some are quite practical and others are pure inspiration. if you have others, please do share.

Sending much love,

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  1. Lorri

    There are so many things that I love about making art. Creating is a fabulous process and such a healing journey for me (I need lots of healing!!)
    To be part of a community of artists from around the world, is so inspiring. I have found everyone I meet to be friendly and open. Open to share, and this is what makes us all so special. We have an understanding, a desire and an acceptance of each other that I haven't found in any other industry!
    I have said it before, but will say it again – I love your work, and I am thrilled to have watched you grow over the last few years. I would be honoured to have you as a mentor one day, so if you are putting your hand up to share with anyone – please pick me! haha
    Thanks for being you 🙂

  2. BigCat

    I’ve been having a lovely time of late reading through your old posts. I was interested to follow the journey you have taken in becoming an artist, and posts like this one are just the thing for someone who is full of questions and wondering about the different parts of the journey.

  3. yiwen

    Your post is so helpful & thought-provoking! You are one of the most talented, honest and generous pple I know. Thank you for your words of encouragement & let’s keep on striving tgt! 😉

  4. deirdre

    This post asks so many questions I haven’t even begun to think of. That makes it a great resource for later. I’m still learning how to make art, the very basics of how it comes together. Your work is great, I like it. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving encouraging words. I feel so lucky to have found this community.

  5. Visual-Voice

    Thanks for visiting my blog.. so glad you did, because I love your site and your artwork! Yay!

  6. britt

    kelly, i constantly question to john how the women in power at emory (where i work) can be sooo mean to me. i don’t get it at all. why why why? why do they not want me to move up and succeed? i agree with you, and try to help those who are going places i’ve been as much as i can. i know how hard my own road has been. good luck, and continue to give to others.

  7. Marisa and Creative Thursday

    Hi! You just left a lovely comment on my daily painting blog at Creative Thursday. Thank you! I had to come see what you’re working on – beautiful work by the way. And your latest post, very thoughtful. Everything you have written here, I have felt an am still curious about. I love hearing other people’s stories of how they’ve made it. I’ve found my way a bit and have decided to share my story and other’s through my podcast called Creative Thursday. It’s a weekly “mini documentary” audio/video program all about going for what you want and living the creative life! My mission is to get as many people who are ready; to trust their heart’s, trust their art and take the leap into doing what makes them happiest. And if they are already doing all of that – to encourage them to keep going! Forge on, everyone 🙂

  8. Whatsername

    I think how we as people interact with each other. Sometimes women can be so catty with each other. Why? Why don’t we build each other up?? I am GLAD you have found support for your art! Sometimes I think we just have to move beyond those women who treat us negatively. Hey…you should write a book on women+art and their stories!! I would read it…

  9. Amber

    Kelly I love your art. I would buy cards are whatever, with your ladies on it! So just keep pushing.

    Also, there is a blog I read, Melba, and she is putting together a workshop for Artist/creative woman bloggers, called “Just Be”. You might find something, or someone to connect with. You can find her on my blogroll. *Beleive*BeAlive*BeYou*


  10. M

    Now you get to be the inspiration to all of us newby artists out there. Thanks for helping making the info more available. I haven’t exactly figured out my own”art” yet, but I’m still hoping! And I’ll need to search for Canadian sources, as it may be different up here.
    Good luck with it all!! You are doing great!

  11. getzapped

    I appreciate your generosity. I too am trying to get my art out there and find some success (not quitting my day job yet), but like you said, it’s the journey…. ~Michelle

  12. liz elayne

    this is fantastic! your enthusiasm is inspiring my dear. i love the way you are opening yourself up so that others can learn from your journey. thank you for this.

  13. Teresa

    I for one thank you for being so kind in sharing some of your secrets you found. It will help me out a great deal. I know that I felt so many tricks of the trade like where to get prints made, supplies, etc..are so very elusive. But now we have the opportunities to make our own prints and have the internet to find supplies, it is just a matter of research. But yes, it makes life a little easier when those who are already successful can lend a helping hand. So thanks Kelly!! It means a lot!

  14. Yolanda

    Although I am not an artist. I encourage you in your endeavors. I applied at Legacy Emmanuel so maybe I will get a job there. I hope when we get good and settled to buy one of your paintings or prints for my home.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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