People often tell me how unafraid I seem, that I seem to easily change directions or pivot in new ways without fear. I’m always caught off guard by this observation, as I DO feel afraid….all the time. In fact, I know I’m at a good edge for myself if I feel a mixture of fear and excitement. That’s when I know I’m on a path that will be good for me. It’s not necessarily the ‘right’ path (I don’t believe there is a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘good’ or ‘bad’ decision), but I know it will be a path of growth. I will learn something about myself, especially in the realms of Trusting my knowings and truths that seem to whisper and sometimes shout, “This way, Kelly Rae! Come, come! Juicy life lessons and learnings are over here!”
I think being fearless is really about Trusting what we know deep deep down to be true – our heart whispers, our callings, our urges, the things that keep nudging on our sleeves for attention. I will forever listen to those truths and know that when I trust in the pursuit of them, my fearless muscles grow. My confidence muscles grow. My trust muscles grow.
So although I don’t think any of us are ever without fear, we can fear less the more we trust that the Great Mystery (the force I call Love) actually lives inside our heart whispers and will hold us, protect us, show us what we need to know, and move us toward our next edge of learning.
How abut you? What is calling to you lately? How might it deliver you to an important edge of learning and growth? Whatever it might be, here’s to the pursuit of it. May it grow your fearlessness and trust muscles.