things are good.

Nov 10, 2006 | Entrepreneurship, Life in Progress, My Creative Practice

oh, the universe and the gods are looking out for me! i was accepted to sell my art at ArtFest’s vendor night!! i am sitting here with a wide grin – it is a full circle moment for me. it was at artfest last april that my creative dreams were born and as they continue to grow and manifest themselves in ways i could have never imagined, i feel myselft in the middle of all of it, just blown away with gratitude and quiet disbelief.

i continue to feel a sense of calm and relaxation over these last several days. i do believe that i touched down into the depths and pit of my anguish over this move last week , and now i feel i’ve started to find my way out. my optimism is back. i am settling in. settling into the fall weather and the changing colors. settling into a new routine. into my new job. new friendhips, new everything. i don’t feel the friction of the stuggle anymore. intead, i’ve given myself over to it, and now i feel like i am swaying with it, rather than jerking about. does that make sense? the fight is over. a few grouding conversations with my friends have helped and have meant so much. thank god for friends.

i’ve downloaded a ton of new music in preparation for spending the next few days in the studio. thank you for the music suggestions. i can’t wait to fill my ears and senses with new tunes.

things are good. things are good.

Sending much love,

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  1. tejae

    I can’t wait to see it in person! Congratulations!

  2. Julie H

    Congratulations Kelly! And how I love looking at your blog and seeing the ‘Fear less’ image – and then looking up to see her on my room wall.

    I know everything you take will sell!

  3. Anonymous

    I’m happy to hear things are feeling good for you lately, and a BIG congratulations on being chosen to sell at Artfest!!!!
    I just got my acceptance letter to sell there too, I’m very excited too!!!

  4. Judy Wise

    Congratulations for being chosen to sell at Artfest; another huge milestone for you and another visible sign that the universe is supporting your dreams. I am so happy that you are feeling less friction all around. Your work just keeps getting stronger all the time.

  5. deirdre

    I’m glad you’re beginning to settle in a little more. Moves are more difficult that we want to think. And how exciting about ArtFest!! Your work is so stunning and layered, I find myself looking more deeply at my new print each time I walk into the room where it rests waiting for a frame.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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