A prayer for telling our stories

May 16, 2016 | Life in Progress, Migrate

kelly rae roberts_boots_nurture your heart

I write on this blog, and share my life in pictures on Instagram, because I believe in the transformative power of telling our stories. Telling our stories is not only a way for us to process, heal and grow individually, but it’s also a gift we offer to others. It’s the best way I know to inspire hope, change and goodness.

I know some people who don’t think they have a story, that their lives are ‘regular’ or boring or somehow not special. And I know some people who think that their story isn’t worth telling until they’ve achieved success (however they define success). I also know some people who think that the story they experienced when they were 5 or 15 defines who they are today, and who they’re capable of becoming.

At times, I have believed all of these things about my own story. By practicing courage and learning how far-reaching love and compassion truly are, I’ve been able to untangle many of these thoughts, and others, I’m still working on.

your story matters

(print available here)

For the work in progress that is me, and you, I want to share this short prayer. I hope it will flow straight from my heart into yours:

prayer for telling our stories


Sending much love,

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  1. Debbie Carter

    Hi, Kelly. I am planning a worship service about telling our stories on May 20. I found your blog and really like what you’ve written. I’d like to tweek some of it to create a “Call to Worship.” May I have your permission to do so?

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Dearest Debbie, thank you so much for your consideration, I truly appreciate you asking. I would prefer that my words not be used by any religious organization nor altered in any way. I honor your work in the world, sending all the best to you.

  2. Wendy Comey

    A beautiful prayer. You are on of my very favorite artist. So much Love in your art. Thank You ?

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thank you, Wendy 🙂

  3. Ginger

    You always bring joy! I received my package today..more joy!! Wow!!?????

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Yay! I’m so glad. Enjoy it all!

  4. Shannon Watson

    Beautifully touching. Thank you Sweet Kelly Rae. Love to you and yours.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thank you, Shannon. Love to you and yours as well.

  5. Vicki

    Amen! Nicely done Kelly!

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thanks, Vicki!

  6. Indigo Blue

    You are my artist crush, Kelly. May blessings rain down upon your head for your inspiring spirit, words and images. You’ve inspired me to tell my story. With love from Australia, Indigo.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Ohhh, an artist crush. I have many of those! Thank yoU!

  7. Linda

    I so needed this prayer today.
    I’ve been in a really bad relationship and decided this past weekend that it’s time to leave..so I shook out my wings and I am going home!
    Thank you!


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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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