the last home tour….a green couch + a colorful bedroom

Apr 8, 2009 | Home + Studio Tours

we are finally, finally all moved in. unpacked. decorated. completely settled. our bedroom was the last to come together and i think it might be our favorite bedroom in our 10 years together. lots of light. color. and fun (hello, [fake] zebra rug!).
the painting above the bed is the one mati and i painted together. bedding was found in the clearance section over at and our globe lamp on the left was an ikea find (and so fun at nite). like the rest of our home, this room is a collection of new, vintage, art, funky, and color.
i found this vintage vanity at a garage sale years ago. i immediately took it home, painted it white, and have loved it’s girlishness ever since (we all secretly want a vanity, right ladies?). it holds my porcelain hands that hold my treasures, an old beautifully aged jewelry box, and a couple other lovely tokens that make my heart warm.
this would be my side of the bed :). painting is by a portland painter whose name i can’t remember (and who, i think, must have forgotten to sign the back of this particular painting). i loved the experience of finding this piece of art with john. we both saw it and loved it right away. an old wooden sewing machine case (with black doorknob feet) sits on top of a couple of vintage suitcases. and a quirky vintage shade is paired with a glass lamp – totally doesn’t “go” but i love it anyway.
some of my fave necklaces….
the framed polaroid print is from friend hula’s etsy shop (love all of her stuff). and the winged bottle was a creation of my mom’s that i just can’t live without.
and finally…last but not least:


call us crazy, but we bought a funky green couch. a leather one. omg. we’ve had this baby on order for weeks and weeks and it was so fun to have it delivered (finally) last week while my parents were here. i have no idea what’s gotten into me, but i’m so incredibly thankful i have a partner in life who is adventurous, embraces the creative, and supports the buying of green couches. i can’t help but smile wide whenever i sit on it. it’s just so….risky. and quirky. and cute.
dearest blog peeps, please tell me i’m not crazy. that i will still love this couch (as much as i love it today) years and years from now. that being bold is following our bliss. that life is too short not to have a green couch. that it works. and if you don’t mind, i’d love to hear about your craziest decorating judgements – the good ones. the bad ones. the funny ones. how do you express your creativity in your home? does it come thru loud and clear? is it subtle? are you feeling the heavy compromise with your partner who prefers neutrals over colors (or vice versa). are there ways you can sneak your undeniable creativity into your living spaces (because this is so important)?  i’d really love to know 🙂

Sending much love,

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  1. Shalet

    Um … I adore your couch! Actually I love your whole house. Seeing this makes me want to get a can of paint and get to work! Love it!

  2. Laura Zarrin

    OMG I love your house!!! That green couch is amazing!! My very practical, Depression era grandma once said “Sometimes you just have to buy red shoes”. I think that can be said for green couches! I wish I could decorate like you. I yearn to create that style, but I freeze up. You are so inspiring! I did talk my husband into a purple kitchen, though. He just blames it on me if anyone asks. I love it.

  3. Lilith

    your bedroom looks fabulous!

  4. DonaB

    I love that green couch (and the red zebra rug, too -where did you find that?). You love color, and I doubt you will regret having such a good green where you can see it all the time.

    I used to have a green couch, but I lost it in a divorce. I miss it! I still have a purple loveseat and I also have a purple bathroom, a red leather chair in my bedroom, and am about to paint my bedroom a vivid red with one chalkboard paint wall. I admire your bold use of color!

  5. gerri

    what a beautiful, airy set of rooms! i love the green lampshade, and the green couch. i think you will love it forever.

    my husband loves art as much as i do, and sweetly loves mine the best. we have a brown leather couch, but also a red one and a red chair. there is art everywhere. as a matter of fact there are several prints waiting to be matted and i have no idea where they’ll fit.

    thanks for the glimpse into your living space.

  6. Anonymous

    I have always regretted not going with my gut instinct when it comes to decorating.If you had a plain brown couch it would have no story – and a “home” is all about the story.A home is about inspiration and you as a person,couple or family. The couch is fun! If you dont like it in a year or two – call me…I will buy it!

  7. Gina Lee Kim

    Kelly, I love how you put turquoise and reds together-a combination I wouldn’t have thought of! It absolutely works. And I love the green couch. It adds freshness-like spring green scallions sprinkled on a dollop of sour cream, swimming on orangy butternut squash soup! (ha)

    Here’s one photo of my studio. Some vintage furniture finds + target finds = voila! a space to call home.

  8. julie Haymaker thompson

    WHERE did you get the Sofa I am soooo in love !!! The whole space is just the best!!!

  9. con-tain-it

    Kelli…love your green couch…it makes me smile. Loved your red one before…love all colors. I think you will be happy with this color for a very long time. It makes me want to sing…don’t worry…beeeee haaappppyyyyy!
    See you soon at inspired…have a great day. Fondly, Roberta

  10. nina

    love the necklaces 😉
    you will not get tired of that green sofa; i’ve had a red one for four years and it is the grounding center of my home. i love, love, love it. red. who knew?
    i completely missed seeing you at artfest – what a whirlwind that was – x

  11. Link

    Home decor accessories from, decorating ideas and home furnishings for every room in the house.

  12. gina armfield

    love the look of your new home – it is filled with warmth, and joy, and Life! Brava!! Well done you – what a delicious nest!

  13. prinsing

    kelly: You will continue to love that couch and it will return the favor! My house is very very quirky but it has become a kind of litmus test because when people come over they either say “I love this house”..and I know they are a tribe member….or “your house is so ……(long pause) interesting”…not a tribe member….

    I absolutely adore your house and you are so generous to share it with us….It absolutely radiates joy!!!

  14. Ashley Brooke

    Your home is beautiful! Your couch is beautiful! I agree – life is way too short to play it safe all the time. You wanna see something funny? I just wrote a blog post last week about my rooms from when I was growing up. So hideous! I am so thankful that my parents appreciated my creative style – even if it meant that they had to sand the walls each time we moved. You can see the crazy pictures here:

  15. mystele

    kelly rae, this simply CAN’T be the last tour. everything is so gorgeous. what a bitter sweet thing it is. well, guess i’ll be visiting your flickr page a LOT to get my fix! take care! 🙂

  16. Caryn Lynn

    I just love how your style shines in your home. Life is too short not to be bold. Your green couch is a reflection of that. I am working on my living space. I have to say I am trying to quietly replace the muted earth tones(Brian’s style) with a few splashes of color and my eclectic style. However my studio is all about me that’s why I love it and always feel energized there. Thanks for sharing your tours of your home. Your style rocks!

  17. Katie

    I love your green couch – but I do love all things green. And I am so impressed at the way your creativity comes through in your home. Mine is definitely more subtle – comes through in the arrangements of books, pillows, candles, etc. But I’m gradually learning to be bolder with it.

    I love the connection between boldness and bliss. You are inspiring!

  18. Kim Caldwell

    Gorgeous and so full of life. Maybe it’s like our hair when we look back 10 years later but man, it was great at the time. I say love it and live it. . .

    Hugs, Kim

  19. Holly Costello

    I love the green couch!! Very bold but nice!! I have a vintage war replica tin poster with the woman flexing her muscle that says “We Can Do It” That is my bold statement. I actually get a lot of comments on it and couldn’t imagine my kitchen without it!!

  20. Sandra

    Life is too short not to have a green couch. I think you said it. And you may not like it in 7 years, but you will still carry the delight it gave you.
    Now I have to tell you that I painted the front of my house blue, and then yellow, out of an exuberant feeling, and don’t like it so much. I’ve learned that an inclination, or a feeling for something, has to be paired with some style experience (which I’m gaining through mistakes). I also painted the inside of another house many different bold colours in various rooms and floors and loved it (got some design advice with that one).

  21. megbrothers

    I love the green couch. I comprimise with my husband who likes the neutrals. We have a charchoal grey couch and I get to cover it in funky pillows.

    I love all of the color in your home. What a cheerful place to call home.

    How could you not love that couch down the road?! If it makes you grin to sit on it, you will no doubt be grinning about it for years to come.

  22. Lori McDonough

    your green couch rocks! I have the same decorating philosophy as you. It’s my house…i decorate it for us…with what makes us happy. Most people who come over don’t “get it”. My kitchen is painted a color similar to your couch…a little more yellow…citron. People either love it or hate it…but it makes me happy. Isn’t that what it’s all about?

  23. Jamie

    Your home is awesome! And I looove the green couch. Life is definitely too short NOT to have the green couch. I think you’ll look on it year after year and still be smiling! It’s really great! I’m blessed to also have a husband who enjoys the “brighter and quirky” and am having fun redoing some of the rooms of our house. Slowly, but eventually it will be just how I picture it! Yours is absolutely inspiring and brilliant!!!

  24. Adrienne

    It is wonderful! Cheerful, eclectic and classy too. I think you will find much happiness in your apple green couch. It looks nice with both dark and light woods. You did NOT go wrong!

  25. Vickie Hallmark

    The couch is perfect! I LOVE that green and buy it constantly, but I never even thought of using it on a couch. It works!

  26. Kelli Nina Perkins

    That is pretty much the best couch I’ve ever seen!

  27. Chrissie Grace

    Hi Kelly
    I’ve loved seeing all your home decorations. Everything is so beautiful, colorful but calming at the same time.
    I loooove the green couch, and all your little touches.
    Where did you get the comforter in the spare bedroom?
    Chrissie Grace

  28. sarah

    your home is so lovely, and such an inspiration, thank you for sharing

  29. i love plum

    Your home is to.die.for! Gorgeous light and I love the all the colors! The green couch is a gem! xo

  30. Lesley Denford

    Your house is so lovely and warm! Thanks for sharing your space and all this wonderful design inspiration. 🙂

  31. Lisa

    If you’re crazy, it’s good crazy. 🙂 Your whole house is amazing! When I changed my life and started over from scratch a couple of years ago (literally walked out of a house and left all the furniture behind to look for a job and an empty apartment) I decided to embrace that and have fun rebuilding. Then I married Patrick and he discovered his inner artist and has filled out home with these kooky wonderful folk pieces in bright happy colors. My art is bright, too, so yeah. We make a pretty loud statement together.

    Our apartment has some dark walls so we hung a sarong the color of your new couch to punch it up a bit. 🙂

    Sorry so long!

  32. Silke

    Wow! I love your house!! All the colors, the light, the wonderful mixture of old and new, and of course the beautiful art!

    I’ve always loved that about our home – the eclectic mixture of things we own. Most of them don’t “go together,” but it still looks great and everything has meaning.

    Kelly, I have awarded you the Lemonade Award for great Gratitude and/or Attitude. Reading your blog always uplifts you! If you want to, come to my blog to copy the award.

    In any case, thanks for being one of the people helping me get started on my creative path! 🙂 Silke

  33. Kerry

    when it comes to me and my hubby, you cant get two more opposite people. i am an artist, he is an engineer at xerox. i love love love color and art… he wants white walls and big speakers with a giant tv. we have been together since i was 16 (i’m 31 now) and he was 24 (he is 39 now)… i am trying to change his ways and pull him towards mine. so instead of bright blue walls, we have a soft pewter blue… instead of wild crazy art, we have antique mirrors and we are starting to collect old posters. i have been showing him all your room tours. i love your style, i hope i can take some of yur ideas and get him to like ’em too.

    i freaking love that couch!!! my hubby, scrunched his nose up… but all hope isn’t lost, he liked your’s and mati’s painting!

  34. Carla

    Your home is lovely Your style is so very different from mine, and yet I when I saw your pictures I thought…I want to live there!

  35. Sooz

    Good gracious don’t ever doubt that GREEN COUCH! I agree with JENN…your house tours are better than any decor magazine I’ve leafed through of late! I want to MOVE IN!

    Your home is lovely and bright and I applaud you and your husband for following your bliss! It shines through in every corner.

  36. krwebb

    I love the couch! It is very similar to one I used to have. No, you won’t grow tired of it. I ended up having to get a new couch and was sorely disappointed when I couldn’t find another green one. May I ask where you got yours? Karla

  37. Vickie

    I’ve been lurking for awhile now and just couldn’t keep my mouth shut any longer….you have an absolutely beautiful home and I love your green couch!!! I am also in love with the luggage end table and vanity! Your life is so full of color…as it should be!

  38. Jenny

    Kelly your house is breathtakingly awesome! I LOVE the green couch – it is my fave colour green! I want my house to look just like yours. I hope you have many happy years in your new home. You are my constant source of inspiration. Even more so now that I have just read your book. It is my most prizd possession – stunning!! Take care – with love from South Africa – Jenny

  39. Micki

    Your house is simply wonderful, so much character, so much love and so light and fresh it’s beautiful.

    I have a small terraced house which is quite dark inside and it’s difficult for it not to seem crowded but I love it all the same, it’s our home and I always feel good coming back to it when we’ve been out, I guess thats all that matters 🙂

    Micki x

  40. michele

    I am so glad you went for the green couch. A few years ago I fell in love with a red chair that didn’t ‘go’ with anything else we had, so at the last minute panicked and played it safe with a cream fabric and have regretted it ever since. Go the green couch and don’t ever regret taking a chance.

  41. Laurie G.

    After attending ArtFiberfest, I was thinking: here I am loving color and color play, and yet all the walls in my house are still white! Now, mind you, I do like some neutrals and “plain” walls here and there–a place for the eye to rest amongst the craftings and busy document-heavy days, and nice palette to play with for accessorizing. But…

    After returning home from that retreat, I decided to paint my entryway my favorite — lime green! And I love it. And hubby indulged/agreed, and has remarked on many an occasion how I (my clothing, pillows, beads, projects, ribbons, wrapping paper, etc) sometimes match the front entry too! I love that he notices.

    I definately don’t regret diving in with such a bold color as a welcome to all who enter. It says joy and it says me. Yay!

  42. Jenn

    Oh…and thank you for sharing the inspiration of your home decorating! I love it! It’s better than a magazine because it’s real. It’s also inspiring to me that you’ve finished decorating to a way that fits you. My only past decorating regrets were taking so long to get it to the way I wanted…and then usually having to sell/move.

  43. debi @ life in my studio

    I love your decorating style…it definitely says that you are an artist. The colors in your bedroom are so fresh and fun…and the green shade looks Great on the glass lamp!
    I also love your green couch…it SO matches your style. As far as being crazy…people whose homes don’t reflect them…now THAT’S crazy!
    My hubby and I have been compromising (more his way) for most of the 37 years we’ve been married. My bad! But, for awhile now, he’s been giving into me on just about everything! So…our front door is PINK…the livingroom/kitchen is decorated in shabby cottage and PINK abounds throughout our home. That is MY style.
    You only live once…follow your bliss and make your home a reflection of who you are.
    Hugs, Debi

  44. Jenn

    #1) You are not crazy for picking a green couch.

    #2) I’m jealous of your green couch! I want it!

    I actually was planning to “have my green” in my home by having a bright, neon green couch from Ikea. (I need green in my house.) I made compromises to a blue sofa due to expense and convenience…there was a furniture shop down the road that had close enough to what I wanted for cheaper AND delivered. I’ve recently relocated to Hong Kong and can feel for a lot of the changes you’re making. My previous home in Texas–not one single wall was white (except the insides of closets). And when I sold it, it showed so well, I sold it in one month in a bad economy. I only have myself (and my dogs) to ask for decorating permission…so compromises don’t have to get made except in the case of wallet.

    Regarding my blue couch compromise…it’s turned out pretty well. I almost went totally funky with blue and orange…but I think that would have annoyed me in the long run. I’ll accent with funky things. And my favorite color combo of all is green and blue. So. I’ll be doing green with blue curtains. I may paint my apartment walls someday (they’re white) but, I have PLENTY O’ COLOR in the form of all the artwork that I chose to cart across the world.

  45. Gaye Todd

    I love your green couch…. i only wish i was brave enough to have one!! I hope you do still love it years from now, but so what if you don’t…. if it’s bringing you joy now that is all that matters!!

  46. Dawn

    Crazy? no way… Lucky to have like you say a partner who embraces your love of color. I can see this couch lived in and loved on for years….

    Your tour was amazing BE HAPPY in your new home and ENJOY it

    I love your use of the sewing case and cases on your side of the bed – brilliant

    and yes EVERY girl wants a vanity – haven’t found mine yet…

  47. Schmoops

    i LOVE your green couch, and i love your husband even more for embracing it too. i only say that because i don’t think mine would be as open-minded. {wink}

    your home is so fun and funky and cheery and colorful. it looks like the home of an artist and should be featured in a magazine.

    i have had many decorating “don’t” over the years (the bright orange office that i couldn’t work in, the pomegranate red bedroom that kept me awake at night.) but that is all the beauty of learning what works, and what doesn’t, right?

    like life and art, our homes are a work in progress, always evolving.

    i have so enjoyed your house tour. you make me miss seattle. ; )


  48. samantha jenkins

    I think your home is looking amazing. Regarding the green sofa, well I think if you love it now that’s what matters. So often i have made decorating compromises, picked the safe or ‘sensible’ option, only to find that I don’t even love it in the first place, let alone in the future! Like life, your sofa quandry shows we might want to go green but need to feel able and brave to do so!

  49. tiffany

    That couch is awesome! I think you’ll love it forever!

    Sadly, I can’t think of any decorating mistakes that I’ve made, and I think that means I haven’t taken very many risks. I’m moving into a new place soon, so hopefully that will change!! I, too, am so very lucky to have a partner who encourages my creative, dare I say wacky, side!

  50. Pam

    Oh no! You’re definitely not crazy! Just wish I had the courage to do something just as wacky. 🙂
    I so luv the colour of that couch. But then I am partial to any green. Who knows, you may not love it any more years from now, but yes life is too short and you have to live to be happy………don’t you???
    And I also love that statement: Being bold is following our bliss. Couldn’t agree more!
    Keep up the craziness and bliss I say!!!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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