Dear friends,
Oomph, it’s been a strange January over here. I keep thinking I’ll write about my reflections on 2024 and my word for 2025, but for some reason, I’m just not ready yet. I trust the timing will unfold exactly as it’s meant to.
In the meantime, I’ve been working on slowing down and listening to my body. What does she want in this moment? What does she need? Am I willing to give it to her? And if not, why not?
The weight of the world’s chaos, the heartbreak, the uncertainty—it’s enough to make me want to hide under the covers and numb out with reality TV. I know many of you are feeling it all right now, too.

My practice right now is to slow down and listen—not to the news or the endless chatter of worry out there, but to the whispers of my heart. They’re quiet, almost too easy to miss, but they’re there—nudging me, reminding me, guiding me.
Some whispers are softly saying, Kelly Rae, take care of yourself. Rest. Refill your well so you have the energy to do your good work in the world. Others are gentle reminders, saying, Now is the time to dream and get inspired, even in the middle of all this mess. Working toward your dreams is needed. They’re medicine—for you and for others. And some whispers are fiercer, saying, Now is the time to protect, to speak up, and to use your anger as energetic fuel.
Maybe you’re hearing similar whispers too. Or maybe they’re entirely different. Either way, I think it’s important to tune in. What are they saying? What do they want you to know? Where are they nudging you?

Here’s what I know deep down: these whispers—yours, mine—are pointing us toward something more. More healing for ourselves. More hope for the road ahead. More light to ripple out into the world.

It’s not always easy to trust them, especially when the world feels so uncertain. But I believe they are our compass, our anchor. They know the way.
Now, despite everything that is happening around us, is the time to listen to our heart’s deepest calling. It may be calling us toward self-care, or toward a new dream, or toward standing bravely in our truth. Whatever it’s whispering, trust it. Trust yourself.
The world needs your light now more than ever.

Inspired by the Kelly Rae Roberts Sincerely, Faith print and sticker? They’re available in the shop!