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This weekend I attended the annual Sisters Folk Festival. Imagine a super cute small town, folk fans riding their bikes around town and listening to folk bands at various small-town venues (little parks, twinkle-lit outdoor restaurants). It’s low-key, laid back, and the music is incredible.
One of my favorite things about the Folk Fest is watching the older women and men who choose to get up and dance when the string bands start to jam. Arms flailing, heads grooving, feet stomping. It’s like they cannot help themselves, their bodies moving to their own unique and specific rhythm without worry of who might be watching or judging. They are free. And joy-filled. And allowing their wild to flow.
It makes me so happy.
Maybe next year I’ll join them, but just bearing witness to their wild and free joy inspired me to let go just a little more.
If you ever get a chance to come to the Sisters Folk Fest, I can’t recommend it enough!
(It’s A Joyful Life Manifesto, available in many sizes)
In the meantime, here’s to living with joy, inching our selves toward more freedom, and self-compassion always and forever.