I went to CA to see two of my dearest a few weeks ago, Mati and Andrea. I returned home enlivened and inspired in the ways that deep connection fill our souls. So good.
I’ve been thinking so much about friendship lately. Maybe it’s getting older (I’m 47 years young). Maybe it’s the Pandemic. Maybe it’s the knowing that my friendships have buoyed me since I was a girl, and now, as the years pass and the layers of life pile up, having people in my world who – just by being who they are – remind me of my own essence, joy, and aliveness…..well, it’s life giving in all the best ways. I am so grateful.

Another thing I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, or learning about myself, is that I need variety and more stimuli than I thought I needed! Interesting!
As much as I love living in a sleepy small town, visiting the bustling Bay Area in CA was a balm for my soul. The interesting people watching, mirrors of my younger and older selves everywhere. The greenery and blooms to stop and smell along the way. The restaurants, every bite a treat. Sitting around Andrea’s coffee table or in Mati’s living room, spilling our hearts in connection. I guess what I’m saying is that everything felt precious in the way it does when you’ve missed something for a long while. For me, and for so many of us these last 2 years during the Pandemic, I have deeply missed my broader scope of living. I’m ready to widen my horizons again. And that feels good.

While I was in CA, I reconnected with my best friend from my Florida high school, Mandy. Back then, we were inseparable and truly so very innocent. No drinking. No drugs. No sex. Just dancing our hearts out at the all ages club, listening to music (New Order, Brit Pop, Madonna), shopping at thrift stores, endless sleepovers, and studying our asses off (we went to a challenging college prep school). We lost touch in our 20’s. She was the sweetest thing, and I have deeply missed her.
I found her via a Google search and was shocked to learn that she lived in San Fran! We met for a long meal together, outside by the sea. I was so touched by her memories of me, our shared stories of togetherness during pivotal years of life, and how happy she is in mid-life. We vowed to stay in touch, though I hold some regret for not having known her these last 20+ years. A little bittersweet.

A few weeks after arriving home from CA, my dearest Myriam surprised me with a visit to Sisters! She quite literally surprised me, planning and scheming for weeks with John. I’m not sure anyone has ever done that to/for me! I felt so loved and cared for AND I got to show her my life here in Sisters for a couple of days. What would we do without our people?
Friendship. It changes everything. I am so grateful.