ballerina girl

Nov 13, 2006 | Life in Progress

“sweet ballerina”
mixed media on wood

when i was in the 5th grade, i wanted to be a ballerina. we had just moved to the city and i was coming out of my tomboy days of living out in the country. i thought i’d give ballet a try. i think i may have only lasted a few weeks. turns out i wasn’t a very good ballerina. later i learned that the instructor told my mom that i could stand to lose a few pounds. i was 10 years old and nowhere near overweight. maybe a little chubby. but c’mon already!

today, i had to wear a scarf when i went outdoors. you’d be surprised how happy that made me. along with the cooler weather, i am loving the new tunes, especially dar williams and brandi carlile.

last nite john and i stayed up late playing yatzee and gin. i kick ass at yatzee. really, i do.

Sending much love,

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  1. Anonymous

    this painting is so sweet as is your story. i wanted to take ballet so badly when i was little (about 3rd grade i think) and i was chubby and my mom, bless her heart, let me know it was only for slim girls. i need to finish the edges on the scarf i knitted last winter, almost done. i too love scarf weather

  2. melba

    My Maggie, who is 2, keeps telling me that she is going to go to ballerina school. I don’t know where she got this idea. Her brother just started preschool this year, that could be why.

    Ballerina is another lovely painting!

  3. Misty Mawn

    ah ha….there is a little difference between us…I was a ballerina. I started when I was 10(around 5th grade). I took classes for six years…I wish I still took classes, I did take an exercise dance class last year, it was awesome…jazzy ballet yoga, pretty much. My daughter started ballet when she was three. It’s a wonderful dance studio, mostly social hour with the other mom’s for me. 😉

    You chubby? Not a chance!

    kick ass at yatzee, eh…I say bring it on. (um, gulp, not that I even know how to play yatzee, but I liked sounding tough for a nanosecond there…although, I am pretty schmokin’ when it comes to chess and scrabble. 😉
    I am going to get a cd or two out to you soon…I promise! xo

  4. deirdre

    I wanted to be a ballerina at about the same age and would dance endlessly for anyone who’d sit and humour me. Maybe it was good you didn’t stay with that instructor, she sounds like a danger to young self-esteem.
    Welcome to our winter weather. It will get colder and wetter. I promise.

  5. Laini Taylor

    I also LOVE scarf weather!! I’ve been happily looping an extra long one around my neck for a few weeks now. Right now we’re in the midst of a CRAZY wind store. A bit freaky being under three towering fir trees in our little house! CONGRATULATIONS on getting into vendor night! Woo hoo! All the more stuff to get ready for March — it will be a great motivator, not that you need it. You’re one of the most motivated artists I know! As for the ballerina thing, I did it too for a while, after not being able to find a real gymnastics gym when we moved to Italy. I was eleven or so, and I remember it as an awkward time. The strength that had made me a good gymnast didn’t help me over much with the grace!

  6. kellyrae

    hello! i love that you were my roomie when the dreams were born! thank you for being so sweet and encouraging. i will see you next spring!

  7. Anonymous

    Hi Kelly, Gwen from AF here, I am SO EXCITED that you are going to be in vendor night at AF!!! It is absolutely phenomenal all of the progress and success you have had in LESS than a year!
    I am SO PROUD of you, and you are such an inspiration! Looking forward to seeing you in March!

    fondly, Gwen


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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